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Markets & Farm Stand

Farmers Market

Farmers markets are a great way to track down our bouquets! We attend several markets throughout the growing season rain or shine always perched under the Linden Lane Farms market stall. Come out and visit us from June-October on Saturdays at the Nelson and Castlegar Markets, on Wednesdays in Nelson on Baker Street, and the Nelson Night Markets that take place a couple times throughout the summer.

Nelson Farmers Market

June to October

Wednesdays on Baker Street 10am-3pm

Saturdays at Cotton Wood Falls 9am-2pm

2024 Nelson Night Markets

Friday evening July 26 on Baker Street

Friday evening August 30 on Baker Street

Castlegar Market

June to October

Saturdays at Station Museum 


Krestova Farm Stand

Want to see where your flowers come from? If you are out our way in Krestova, stop in and pick up your flowers from our farm. The farm stand is situated across from two greenhouses. A little building with a young Linden tree planted next to it. Our bouquets are typically stocked from May-October. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to be the first ones notified when we have fresh bouquets in the stand.

We share the farm stand with Linden Lane Farms. We both farm on the same property and believe veggies and flowers go hand in hand together. Linden Lane Farms stocks the stand with a wide selection of amazing certified organic veggies and small fruit all grown right on the farm. The farm stand is a self-checkout process with a board of instructions on how to purchase your bouquet. If you have issues, there is usually someone there to give you assistance, so just give us a shout! 

Farm Address

3850 Krestova Road, Krestova BC


Cash and cards accepted


Come find our flowers

Krestova Farm Stand

April to December

Linden Lane Farms’ Stand

Open Daily

Nelson Markets

June to October

Wednesdays on Baker Street

Saturdays at Cotton Wood Falls

Castlegar Market

June to October

Saturdays at Station Museum